3.4.10 Steam and water jet cleaning. The engine and all its components shall withstand
cleaning with a high-pressure steam cleaner conforming to P-C-437 and water jet without
deterioration of seals or hoses, water leakage past seals or gaskets, or other defects (paint
removal shall not be considered a defect). The jet shall be applied perpendicular to the surface
being cleaned at a distance of not less than 1 ft from the surface and cleaned at a rate of
1 square foot per minute (ft2/min.). The jet pressure shall not be less than 100 psi, nor more than
110 psi (see 4.6.6).
3.4.11 Electromagnetic compatibility. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), the engine
shall meet the functional suppression requirements in accordance with applicable sections of
MIL-STD-461 (see 4.6.7).
3.5 Environmental. The engine shall start within 2 minutes (min) and shall demonstrate
the performance characteristics specified herein under any of the following conditions or possible
combination of conditions (see 3.5.1 through 3.5.3)
3.5.1 Temperature (see
a. Low. With integral cold starting aid, and without external aids after being cold-
soaked, without benefit of solar radiation, to an ambient temperature of 25°F.
Not less than 100 rpm cranking speed shall be demonstrated with 16 volts of direct
current (V dc) available at the starter terminals. (Cold-soak shall be defined as
reducing the temperature of the engine and its fuel, coolant, and lubricating oil to
within 5°F of the ambient air temperature.)
b. High. Without external aids, and a fuel pressure of 5 psi at the inlet to the fuel
injector supply pumps, when operated at the following temperature with exposure
to maximum solar radiation:
Ambient air
Intake air (at air cleaner inlet)
Coolant outlet
Oil sump
At maximum temperature attainable
up to 275°F
3.5.2 Elevation. At any elevation from sea level to 8000 ft, except that the power
requirements shall be reduced proportional to the elevation, so that at the 8000-ft elevation, the
observed power output of the engine shall not be less than 75% of rated power (see
3.5.3 Humidity. Under relative humidity conditions as low as 5% at a temperature of
115°F and as high as 100% at temperatures from -25 to 85°F (see
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