each other unless protected against galvanic corrosion. Asbestos, cadmium, and radioactive
material will not be used in this item. Radioactive material is defined by Title 10, Code of Federal
Regulations, Part 40, and other radioactive material in which the radioactivity is greater than
0.002 microcuries per gram or 0.01 microcuries total activity for the item. (see 4.6.1)
3.2.1 Recycled, recovered, or environmentally preferable materials. Recycled, recovered,
or environmentally preferable materials should be used to the maximum extent possible provided
that the material meets or exceeds the operational and maintenance requirements, and promotes
economically advantageous life cycle costs (see 4.6.1).
3.3 Design and construction. The engine shall be constructed in accordance with
Drawing 8738127 (see 4.6.1 and 4.6.2).
3.3.1 Accessories and equipment. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), all accessories
and equipment shall be installed on the engine and properly adjusted. All electrical accessories
and equipment, including wiring and electrical connections, shall conform to the applicable
requirements of MIL-STD-1184 (see 4.6.1).
3.3.2 Interchangeability of parts. With the exception of parts furnished in material sets or
for which a selective fit is specified, component assemblies, parts or service parts shall be so
constructed as to facilitate ease of installation, replacement, and adjustment without requiring
modification. Any design change that affects performance or changes the configuration of the
above items requires Government approval (see 4.6.1).
3.3.3 Production break-in. The engine, using fuel oil conforming to grade 2 of
A-A-52557, shall be given a break-in run by the contractor to ensure the engine, as submitted to
the Government for acceptance, shall meet all requirements specified herein (see 4.6.3).
3.4 Performance. The engine performance requirements shall be met under the following
a. Lubricating oil. Lubricating oil conforming to the seasonal requirements of
MIL-L-2104 from -10 to 115 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) and MIL-L-46167 from
-65 to 0°F shall be used. The contractor may use oil of his own selection, or oil
conforming to grade 2 of MIL-L-21260, during engine build-up and the break-in
run (see 6.3.3).
b. Coolant. Water and antifreeze compound conforming to MIL-A-46153 heavy
duty antifreeze or A-A-870, arctic-type antifreeze compound conforming to
MIL-A-11755, or antifreeze extender additive conforming to MIL-A-53009 shall
be used.
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