3.4.5 Exhaust smoke density. The exhaust smoke density at the full power position,
when measured within 3 feet (ft) of the exhaust manifold outlet, shall not exceed the conditions
specified in table I when using fuel specified herein (see 4.6.4 and 6.3.4).
TABLE I. Exhaust smoke density.
Engine speed (rpm)
Visual no.
Meter no. 1/
1/ The meter reading shall have precedence over the visual reading. Engine emissions. The engine shall comply with all current air emissions quality
regulations (see 4.6.1).
3.4.6 Fuel consumption. With the engine operating at 2785 rpm, using fuel specified
herein, the fuel consumption shall not exceed that specified in table II (see 4.6.4).
TABLE II. Maximum observed brake specific fuel consumption.
Engine speed (rpm)
Pound per bhp-hour
3.4.7 Oil consumption. After 25 hours (h) of operation, the engine shall consume not
more than 0.007 pounds (lb) of lubricating oil per observed bhp-hour, when operating at full rack
throughout the power check phase of the engine with an oil sump temperature of 180 to 260°F.
The power check phase shall be determined at full rack position with the engine operating at full
load at speeds of 1600, 2000, 2400, and 2785 rpm to assure meeting the performance
requirements (see 4.6.4).
3.4.8 Oil pressure. Under all operating conditions specified herein, including a
1-quart-low oil sump condition, and with an oil sump temperature of not less than 180°F, the
gallery oil pressure shall not be more than 80 pounds per square inch (psi) nor less than 40 psi
when the engine is operating at 2785 rpm using specified oil, and shall not be less than 5 psi when
the engine is idling at 650 to 700 rpm (see 4.6.4).
3.4.9 Grades and slopes. The engine shall start and demonstrate the performance
characteristics specified herein on longitudinal grades and lateral slopes up to 60% in all
directions, when operated throughout the speed range of the engine, with full and 1-quart-low oil
level conditions in the sump. As a result of said operation, no evidence of faulty lubrication,
cooling, fuel supply, leakage, or other malfunction shall be found (see 4.6.5).
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