MIL-DTL-46796D High temperature start without aids. Without external aids, with cooling fan
installed, and a fuel pressure of 5 pounds per square inch (psi) (34 kilopascals (kPa)) at the inlet
to the fuel injector supply pumps, when operated at the following temperatures with exposure to
maximum solar radiation (see
115F (46.1C)
Ambient air temperature
115F (46.1C)
Intake air temperature
(at air cleaner inlet)
NTE 230F (110C)
Coolant outlet temperature
Oil sump temperature
Maximum temperature attainable
up to 275F (135C)
3.3.2 Elevation conditions. The engine shall have adequate torque and power
requirements at any elevation from sea level to 8000 feet (ft) (2438 meters (m)), except that the
power requirements of the engine shall be reduced proportional to the elevation. At 8000 ft
(2438 m) elevation, the observed power output of the engine shall be not less than 90 percent (%)
of rated power (see 4.6.4).
3.3.3 Humidity conditions. The engine shall perform under relative humidity conditions
as low as 5 percent at a temperature of 115F (46.1C) and as high as 100 % at all temperatures
from -25 to 85F (-31.6 to 29.4C) (see 4.6.5).
3.4 Design and construction. The engine construction and assembly shall be in
accordance with Drawings 11669155, 12260210 or 12268500 (see 4.6.2).
3.4.1 Electrical accessories and equipment. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), all
electrical accessories and equipment, including the glow plug cold starting system, wiring and
electrical connections, shall be installed on the engine and properly adjusted (see 4.6.6).
3.4.2 Interchangeability. Component assemblies and parts of the engine shall be
constructed in such a way that any part, except those furnished in matched sets or for which a
selective fit is specified, may be installed, replaced, and adjusted without requiring modification
(see 4.6.7).
3.4.3 Air cleaner. The air cleaner required for use with the engine, shall be either dry or
oil-bath type of approved design and capacity. They shall conform to MIL-PRF-62048 or to the
manufacturer s standard specification, respectively (see 4.6.8).
3.4.4 Oil. Engine shall perform as specified herein using lubricating oil in accordance
with the seasonal requirements of MIL-PRF-2104 (or commercial equivalent) from -10 F to 115
F (-23.3C to 46.1C) and MIL-PRF-46167 (or commercial equivalent) from -65F to 0F (-
53.8C to -17.7C). The manufacturer may use oil of his own selection during engine build up
and the break-in run. Reference grade oil used during the endurance test (see shall be
designated as specified (see 4.6.9).
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